What is the Bulls Power Indicator for MT4?

The Bulls Power indicator is a technical analysis indicator that shows how bullish or bearish the price of a particular currency is relative to its current price. It is a valuable indicator to help gauge the overall sentiment toward a coin and provide insight into whether the price of a given currency is likely to rise or fall in the future.

Bulls Power Indicator

Download the Free Bulls Power Indicator

The indicator works by comparing the price of a currency against a selected asset, such as an index or another currency, and measuring how far the price has moved from its starting point about that reference point. A positive bull power indicates that the price of a given currency is trending upward, while a negative bull power signals that the price of a currency is trending downward.

How to use the Bulls Power Indicator for MT4?

The bulls power indicator helps identify signals and opportunities in forex markets. It can provide valuable insights into market sentiment and signal whether a currency’s price will move higher or lower. The bulls power indicator can help identify potential entry points into a trade and help determine when to exit a position.

Bulls Power Indicator MT4 trading settings

The indicator can be set up using different values and intervals, though it will generally consist of three lines. The “bulls line” is the top line representing solid bullish momentum in the currency’s price. The middle line is the “defensive line” and represents a balance between bearish and bullish momentum in the currency’s price. The bottom line is known as the “bears line” and represents weak bearish momentum in the currency’s price.

Setting up an effective forex Bulls Power Indicator involves choosing appropriate values for each line and determining how often they should be updated. Different traders may choose to customize their indicators by adjusting these settings. Still, it’s recommended that you start with a basic setup and change from there based on your trading style and strategy.

Bulls Power Indicator Advantages

The advantages of using this indicator include its ability to provide investors with an early indication of whether or not a currency pair is likely to increase or decrease in value. It can also help them determine when to enter and exit trades based on their risk tolerance and trading strategy. Another advantage of using this indicator is that it can help traders identify patterns in the underlying market index and use these patterns to predict future movements in the currency pair.

Bulls Power Indicator Disadvantages

However, this indicator has several disadvantages that can make it less effective than other more advanced technical tools. First, it only provides a short-term view of the market and can’t be used to predict long-term trends. Second, it is based on historical data rather than actual market movements, which may not always provide an accurate assessment of current market conditions. Third, as with any technical indicator, it must be used with other hands and fundamentals to provide a complete picture of a particular currency’s health.

BP Indicator installation on MT4

To install the Bulls Power Indicator on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MT4 platform and log in to your account.
  2. Go to the “File” menu, then click on “Open Data Folder.”
  3. Navigate to the “MQL4” folder and then the “Indicators” folder.
  4. Download the Bulls Power Indicator and save it to the “Indicators” folder.
  5. Close and re-open the MT4 platform to refresh the list of available indicators.
  6. Go to the “Navigator” window and click on the “Indicators” tab.
  7. Locate the Bulls Power Indicator in the list, right-click, and select “Attach to a chart.”
  8. Adjust the indicator settings to your preference, then click “OK” to apply the indicator to the chart.

Bulls Power Indicator mt4

Bulls Power Indicator mt4 free download


The Bulls Power Indicator is a valuable tool for traders that want to track short-term movements in the underlying market index. However, it has several disadvantages that can make it less effective than more advanced technical tools.

Author: Dominic Walsh

I am a highly regarded trader, author & coach with over 16 years of experience trading financial markets. Today I am recognized by many as a forex strategy developer. After starting blogging in 2014, I became one of the world's most widely followed forex trading coaches, with a monthly readership of more than 40,000 traders! Make sure to follow me on social media: Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin | Youtube| Twitter | Pinterest | Medium | Telegram Channel | Quora | Reddit

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